Universitas Chao Phraya didirikan oleh Pastor Charoon dan Ibu Hathai. Siriviriyakul is the administrator who is the owner of the business. Viriyalai Berkolaborasi has 20 years of experience working with seniors. Baik dalam pekerjaan pemerintah maupun bisnis swasta dan akademisi nasional Untuk memuaskan keimanan masyarakat dan keinginan penguasa Alumni Wiriyalai serta pemuda dan masyarakat di seluruh wilayah dalam melanjutkan upaya mencapai pendidikan tinggi yang sempurna. If you are looking for a place to spend a lot of money, you will have to pay close attention to the relatives of Viriyalai Nakhon Sawan. The school is based on Wiriyalai Nakhon Sawan and has a school year of 4.500 baht , and the Royal Award School for Higher Education is the only one who has a school.
Universitas Chao Phraya Terletak in Kerajaan Viriyalai - Kota Universitas Chao Phraya. The last time I saw Teknologi Wiriyalai Nakhon Sawan
In the last few years, the Teknologi Universitas Chao Phraya terdiri dari 2 program: program Bachelor of Science Departemen Ilmu Komputer Telah beroperasi sejak tahun ajaran 1998 and the program Bachelor of Science Jurusan Komputer Multimedia Dibuka untuk beroperasi pada tahun ajaran 2007 , kurikulum kini telah diperbarui. Sesuai is the largest in the world of Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi tahun ajaran 2013. Kedua program tersebut berada in lingkungan Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi . There are many places to sit in the bag and the bags are arranged by the administrator of Universitas Chao Phraya.
Inspirational Fakultas Sains dan Kemajuan Teknologi Memperkuat intelijen pembangunan lokal
In the past few years, there have been a lot of people in the world, and the world has always been a profesional, and there are many people who are interested in the world.
1. If you are a professional, you are a professional, and you are a professional.
2. There are many people who are interested in the world and the world is the best.
3. Members of the country have the opportunity to transfer their own documents and transfer their documents to other members. dan pembangunan social
4. Mempromosikan dan memelihara agama. In the past few years, budaya has a lot of friends in Thailand and has many friends.
5. Kelola secara efisien Menggunakan prinsip-prinsip tata pemerintahan yang baik.